Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Initial post

Here is a link to the most current leaflet

We improve the leaflet regularly, so don’t make large amounts of copies until you are ready to leaflet.


The logic is the narrower the definition of the 9/11 issue, the harder it is for so called debunkers to make a case except to throw stones. It will be harder for them to pretend they fully addressed all points we have raised. 

One reason I admire the work of AE911Truth.org is that they are narrower than most of the rest of the movement. This focus is even much narrower than that of AE911Truth.org

Newton is acknowledged as the greatest scientist and greatest physicist in history. Thus he cannot be denigrated with the moniker,”Conspiracy Theorist.”

Most importantly, many people who are not hard scientists realize that Newton's laws CANNOT be repealed.

This fall's leafletting is the first of three times a year leafletting, 9/11, Newton's birthday January 4, and Newton's death day march 31. Most truth sympathizers are too focused on research and not enough on outreach. Three times a year is not much to ask. All thankfully occur during college school year class time.

Lastly, Newton's laws are taught in 9th grade, so professors of the social sciences, humanities and the arts are unreasonable to claim it is over their head. 

Leafletting tips for Newton’s Laws as of 8/26/14

1.Reach out with a leaflet for others to take as they walk by you, not as you approach them.(It feels less aggressive.)

2. On campuses the highest foot traffic per unit time is often the student union or a cafeteria.

3. If the campus police  ask you to leave, this is the time to prove you are an alum, if you are. If you can’t get them to let you stay, a public sidewalk is a place to legally leaflet. This is mainly an option where enough students live off campus and don’t drive there. DON”T ASK FOR PERMISSION TO LEAFLET. JUST LEAFLET UNTIL TOLD TO STOP.

4. Use a greeting to get attention. If you have time, hello, good afternoon, etc is good but that's if you can add some reason to take a leaflet. “TV News Won't Tell You About This.” is an option, but college age folks probably don’t watch TV news. “ Who can violate the laws of Physics?” might be good. If you come up with a good line, tell us.

5. One longtime activist regularly puts leaflets in the mail slots for each faculty member in the various department offices. If you have grey hair or are obviously older than most students, you may look unusual leafletting students as they walk by, but if you dress up you would look completely appropriate filling faculty mailboxes.

6. Don't let people who want to talk distract you for more than a minute. Get their contact info at best and report their interest to us. At least have them email us. 

7. If it is very busy you can give out more leaflets per unit time by holding a leaflet between each two fingers, even with both hands.  Thus you can hold 4 in the non leafletting hand and one in the other hand. They can figure out how to take a leaflet from between any set of fingers. This is especially useful at large sporting events.

8. We certainly want more and more colleges leafleted on the three primary dates of 9/11, Newton’s birthday(January 4) and Newton’s death day(March 31). If it is bad weather on the special day or you can only get off work a different day, that’s fine to leaflet any other time.

9. A recent 9-0 US Supreme Court decision likens leafletting to education rather than protesting. If anyone can find the actual reference to education in the court’s decision, please contact me so I can highlight that phrase in the link below.

Reminder, we are seeking reports of your experiences, whether or not you leaflet where you attended college. 

Help needed by person’s more adept than I am at social media.

Contact: Dave 410-499-5403
davidslesinger@yahoo.com, dslesinger@alum.mit.edu



  1. Here an excellent commentary

  2. Another excellent commentary
